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Dr James Mennel, Head of the Department of Massage at St Thomas’ Hospital (London) early in the last century, first brought out his book on massage in 1934. In this, her first colu...more
Notice How People Make Decisions
The author, a Performance Enhancement Trainer, opines that one of the most useful skills you can develop is that of noticing how people make their decisions. She states that if you ...more
Nourishing Women through Menopause and Beyond
The Wise Woman tradition of healing is not new, and is based on nourishing and tonifying women through the menopause rather than aiming to fix them, balance them, affect their horm...more
Novel Breakthrough: Sound Conditioning for Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
Low-level stimulation therapies have been researched and practised for quite some time. With more and more evidence, applications, and use cases, low-level stimulation therapies ar...more
Nursing at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital NHS Trust
The Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital (RLHH) is unique as it provides the only service in Europe which is dedicated to complementary medicine as an integral part of the National H...more
Nutraceuticals: Future Foods or Immanent?
This will be a time when food from a plant, rather than made on a plant will be preferred, as raw food retains more nutrition and balanced with appropriate levels of water hydratio...more
I would like to introduce the next speaker, Dr David Smallbone who is a GP, homoeopath and nutritional physician and who also specialises in the treatment of menopausal problems, in...more
Nutrition and Age-Related Hearing Loss
Age-related hearing loss is the leading cause of deafness in the world, with 40% of elderly people affected. Linda Lazarides poses the question: is the loss of functions an inevita...more
This article provides detailed information about appropriate nutrition for maximising fertility, for both women and men.more
Nutrition and Herbal Matters: Food Addiction
The author discusses how certain foods can taste so good to an individual that they have to have it everyday. This is a food addiction and occurs for a number of reasons. Some peop...more
Nutrition and Herbal Medicine to Survive Long-Haul Flights
Whether for business or holidays, we can either experience long-haul travel as an exciting adventure, or as a price we pay for our sins. In this article Stephen Terrass explores s...more
Nutrition and Life-style Guidelines for People with Cancer
The significance of nutritional and life-style guidelines for people with cancer is examined in this consensus document.more
Nutrition and Naturopathy: Stress Management
The author goes into some detail about the physiology of stress and the wide range of negative physical and emotional consequences which can develop. She suggests that as stress...more
In her column this month June Butlin looks at stress. In the first half of the article she reviews the mechanisms of the "fight or flight" response. In the second half she looks at...more
Most people have heard about nutritional deficiencies, that is, not having enough of a specific nutrient or nutrients in your diet, but are not always sure what this really means, ...more
Asthma is on the increase, and yet many doctors do not recognize the benefits of Nutritional Therapy in its treatment. Penny Crowther highlights the negative side effects of conven...more
Nutrition for Children and Young Adults
Quality nutrition is very important for children's health, as it is likely to result in good eating patterns in later life, and is essential for optimum growth and development. R...more
Nutrition for the Brain / Vitamins for the Brain?
The crucial role that a good diet and nutrition play in long-term cognitive health is frequently overlooked. Our brain requires the right nutrition throughout all stages of life, t...more
Nutrition For The Prevention Of Osteoporosis - Part Two
The author continues her nutritional advice for the prevention of osteoporosis, and offers a suggestion for a recent treatment, as well as a recently developed test which can indic...more
Nutrition for the Prevention of Osteoporosis: Part One
In the first of this column on the treatment of Osteoporosis the author focuses on bone building nutrients (such as magnesium, calcium, and their various forms; Boron and Vitamin D...more
Nutrition in Health Versus Healing
In this column on nutritional requirements for health and healing, the author looks at what is needed for maintaining health and promoting healing, and how nutrition is distributed...more
We are constantly bombarded with dietary advice including a vast array of often ‘faddy’ diets that guarantee weight loss, good health, an increase in energy and everlasting happines...more
Nutrition, Evolution and Environment
The dangerous fallacy - of "the all-sufficiency of natural selection’’ to which the scientific and cultural world has adhered since the late 19th century has now been exposed as i...more
Nutritional and Complementary Cancer Care
The author sets out the nutritional guidelines she uses for women with cancer preparing for surgery, going through chemotherapy or radiotherapy, using hormone therapy or dealing wi...more
Nutritional and Environmental Approaches to Infertility
As a practitioner with a special interest in pre-conceptual care, I know that, given the right information, infertile men and women, or couples who experience birth defect, stillbi...more
Nutritional Approaches to Liver Detoxification
The liver is the most hard-working organ in the human body. It performs many functions that are vital to life. It plays an important role in digestion (breaking nutrients down) and...more
Nutritional Aspects of Adrenal Fatigue
This column focuses on adrenal fatigue, an increasingly prevalent condition closely associated with sluggish thyroid function that affects virtually all bodily processes to some de...more
Nutritional Aspects of Perspectives and Perceptions (Part II of II)
The author continues to develop the theme of finding out who we truly are. She encourages us to become aware of and examine (and, ultimately, release) the past events and decisio...more
Nutritional Benefits of Whole Grain Wheat
The author is a nutritionist, linguist and professional cook. She started experimenting with whole grain wheat about three years ago when she was helping a group of women to stor...more
Nutritional Care Of Peptic Ulcer
This is a detailed medical account of what a peptic ulcer is, the physiological processes involved, factors which cause it and can cause further damage, and how basic nutritional n...more
Nutritional help for Chronic Fatigue Sufferers
Patients who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are often so exhausted that they are unable to undertake half of their daily normal activities.more
Nutritional Mercury Detoxification Protocol
Around ten years ago I decided that there was sufficient evidence available to confirm my decision to become a mercury free dentist. This article does not concern itself with the o...more
Nutritional Support for Children with Autism
Regular contributor, Kate Neil, looks at the link between autism in children and nutrition. Autism rates in Britain have risen dramatically over the last 20 years, and 1 in 500 chi...more
Nutritional Therapists: Food Police or Food Educators?
The representation of nutritionists as 'food police' is an obstacle that the author highlights we must overcome. Another obstacle when following diets can be a low mood, stemming f...more
Nutritional Value of Organic Food
Of all the claims made for the benefits of organically grown food, the most controversial is the claim that it is healthier than food grown conventionally. To proponents, the vit...more
Nutrium - Software for Nutritional Professionals
"I'm setting up my own nutrition business!" If you have ever considered this here's what you need to know. The first thing that comes to your mind is that you need to set up a websi...more
Nuts – A Simple Hack to Boost your Brain & Help your Heart in Menopause
If there was a simple addition you could make to your diet in menopause that would boost your brain, help your heart and watch your waistline, would you do it?more
Evelyn was referred to me by her general practitioner, who described, in his letter, a history of abdominal symptoms dating back over fifteen years. Furthermore, Evelyn and many me...more
This article focuses on the importance of quiet time, especially in today’s environment where the levels of stress we experience create problems such as headaches, skin irritations...more
Obesity - A Modern, Mismanaged & Misunderstood Malady
Obesity is a growing and serious health concern that has, by now, reached epidemic proportions, mostly in the Westernised world. Increased consumption of unhealthy food, coupled wit...more
In this column, the author looks at how far the obesity epidemic has progressed, and what steps the UK government has taken to address this growing concern in the country.more
Obesity – A Survey of Factors and Practical Responses
Our fatness is totally obvious and has increased relentlessly over several generations, a global pandemic (WHO, now 13% adults obese, x3 since 1975) as many poorer catch up with and...more
The headlines, backed by government statistics, say it all - Britain is in the grip of an obesity crisis. There has been a marked increase in obesity rates over the past eight year...more
Obesity and the Link between Metabolic Disorders
The weight loss industry has been booming for decades, with over $20 billion spent annually on diets and weight loss products in America alone. I distinguish between weight loss and...more
Obesity and the Young: Pilates for Kids
The author takes a look at problems associated with childhood obesity, some of which include: low self-esteem, depression, Type 2 diabetes, orthopaedic complications, etc. Sedentar...more
Research shows that the population is getting fatter, and yet at the same time dieting has reached epidemic proportions. Nutritionist Penny Crowther sheds light on why this might b...more
Occupational Stress - Key Contributing Factors
As a nation, we are permanently switched on. Social media ensures we are immediately kept up to date with the latest news. A plethora of television stations guarantee we never miss...more
This column focuses on the dominance of oestrogen in females which, the author explains, in relation to progesterone in a woman’s cycle overall is too high. Conditions associated w...more
Oestrogen, Progesterone, Synthetics, etc. Explained
Hormones that are made from plants are called Phytohormones. Phytoestrogens refer to plant compounds with oestrogen like activity. Phytoprogesterones are plants with progesterone-...more
Valerie Marriott explains the differences between natural and synthetic pesticides in plants, and the reasons for increased use of synthetic pesticides, which are often toxic, ev...more
Jeans are out, genes are in. Culture and commercial pressures have decided on the fate of these two homophones. It was in the papers a few months ago – wearing jeans, once so popul...more
Of Body, Brain and Placebo Effect
While most theories on human nature were based on conscious experience, the cascading impact of new scientific thought has pigeonholed them as pre-scientific hearsay, or folk psycho...more
Of Discs, Soaps and Camemberts
Last month, I explained why the intervertebral disc (ID) is not like a bar of soap that can slip in and out of its position. Being from Normandy, I prefer, strange as it may seem, ...more
Of Refined Wisdom and Positive Change
It is an oft-repeated cliché as also the timeless truth - that we represent our personality, with no facsimile or prototype. In other words, each of us is as unique as our signature...more
Have you ever wondered how snakes move? The ease with which they achieve their limbless locomotion has puzzled many observers since the beginning of man (in this column the word em...more
We are in the grip of a new, inundating wave. Success. The idea is to pursue and realize the ‘achievement badge,’ pronto. The less the wait, the better it is at the altar of accomp...more
What makes the service you offer to your patients good quality? What is quality? By what standard do you want your work evaluated? Do you believe that what you offer is beyond comp...more
Offering Hope to Others whilst Fighting his own Neuromuscular Condition
Ron E West, now 76 years ‘young’, is on a mission to tell his story to others and share his experience and knowledge, in coping with and even reversing many of the chronic, debilita...more
OH Cards: The Game of Inner Vision
OH cards can be used in a variety of ways. Their power lies in the ability to tap into the unconscious and perhaps bring to the surface buried feelings and emotions. They can be ...more
There was an accident just waiting to happen. Sloppy tour guides abandoning us in temperatures of over 40 degrees and dodgy coaches. Thank goodness I'd brought my essential oils!more
Nature's multi-functional force against infections and cardiovascular disease?more
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Depressive Disorders
This article focuses on the effectiveness of omega-3 fatty acids and fish consumption on depressive disorder, based on studies carried out in the UK and US. Studies done on depre...more
Omega-3 Home Test to Predict Cognitive Ability and Dementia Risk
A new "do it at home" pinprick blood test for omega-3 can predict your cognitive ability, dementia risk, brain size and intelligence.more
Omega-3 fatty acids are constantly in the news. Omega-6 fatty acids are equally important according to David Taylor in keeping us healthy. The key one is linoleic acid (LA), the ...more
In this column the author discusses solitude as she wonders whether all the noise and chatter that most people create around them is to help them feel connected and ‘un-alone’. S...more
Head carrying has been studied by some scientists, such as Norman Heglund, a physiologist at the University of Louvain. He wanted to understand how Luo women could carry on their h...more
On the Precipice of Transformation
Everyone has their personal edge. As we approach that edge, our mind will do everything in its power to convince you to retreat. At that point there is often an internal battle betw...more
On The Warriors Path - A Revolution in Personal Development
I was born into an environment of male inadequacy. It had existed before I was born and by the time I arrived the atmosphere was thick with a rage and hate that was to permeate ever...more
On Togetherness and Being Separate, in the Week of the Royal Wedding
Counselling couples in difficulty, I never discuss who said what to who, or whose fault anything is (too often, one or both members of the pair believes that things can only be reso...more
On-Site Seated Acupressure Massage
That which has generically become known in the Western world as 'On-Site Massage' has its roots in the Orient, as indeed do many other therapies.more
One Hundred Years of Sigmund Freud
As 1999 transforms into the year 2000, it is a good time to look back on the contribution of Sigmund Freud to the field of psychology. It was 100 years ago that Freud's first maj...more
One Hundred Years of Treating Asthma
Jennifer Worth, a retired nurse and midwife who has written extensively about allergic diseases, has a long family history of living and coping with asthma, and shares some effecti...more
One Indian's View of Diet – How Food Habits Can Make or Break a Person
The author begins with a declaration based on Indian lore: a fellow eating once a day is a Yogi, twice a day is a Bogi, three times a day is a Drohi. He then explains that a yogi l...more
One Mind, Peace of Mind - Calm in the Face of Adversity
Peace is an Attitude of Mind. If you don’t believe me, picture the scene when you last felt totally at peace… lying in the sun on the beach; curled up by the fire with a good book; ...more
One Step Beyond: A Lifestyle Management Strategy to Support Your Health and Wellness Goals
It is beyond our wildest dreams that we need to go in order to sustain the idea that we can achieve them.more
One Surprising Thing You can Do to Tackle Mid-Life Fat Around The Middle!
Reducing fat around the stomach is a major health goal for many women in mid-life. “Middle age spread”, that unwelcome roll of fat around the middle is an unfortunate effect of chan...more
According to Michael Levy, ‘the human brain has sophisticated itself far away from authentic happiness and contentment.’ If we recognise that we are just passing through, it giv...more
Opioids For Chronic Pain - Chronic Pain: First Do No Harm
In the US we have about 4.6% of the world’s population and consume about 80% of the opioid medication produced in the world. Over 50 million people suffer with severe chronic pain a...more
Optimal Immunity and Nutritional Support
The human immune system is a complex structure made up of many separate parts that come together with the common goal of protecting us from disease and ill-health. Ill-health can co...more
Optimal Wellbeing: Is an Absence of Disease Enough?
To be in a state of good wellbeing the elements of mind, body and spirit must be fully integrated, in balance and functioning optimally. With good wellbeing the individual is happ...more
Optimizing Breathing Chemistry: Foundation for Healing
This feature looks at the impact of dysfunctional breathing on our health. The author states that such breathing methods can upset the body's chemistry and lead to symptoms such as...more
Optimizing the Healing Potential
This column discusses the placebo effect which, the author says, can override psychological and physical conditions, and is the strongest, most comprehensive and most proven medici...more
Optimum Exercise and Fitness Regimes to Enhance Weight Loss
The old adage of calories in versus calories out although true in principle, has been refined somewhat in recent years. It’s true of course that your energy intake (EI) in relation ...more
I believe that optimum nutrition is essential in maintaining optimum health. It is vital to our lives as our bodies have been completely built and maintained by the foods that we...more
Options For Treating Astigmatism
Astigmatism is a common eye condition that affects millions of people worldwide. If you have ever experienced blurry or distorted vision, headaches, or eye strain, you might be deal...more
Oral Anticoagulants - Natural Versus Conventional Treatment
Natural health products ranks number one among the ten most common complementary health approaches used by American adults.[1] These dietary supplements include for example fish oil...more
Oral Health - How to Reduce Risks of Periodonitis
This article focuses on oral health and oral diseases and their effect upon one's physical wellbeing. Oral conditions, in particular periodontal diseases, share many risk factors w...more
Organ Remedies, Complex Homeopathy and Infertility
Regular contributor Neil Slade looks at the ongoing argument between 'classical homeopathy' (prescribing one remedy) and 'complex homeopathy' (prescribing more than one remedy). Th...more
Can we reduce our risk of cancer by eating organic food? For many people, it is common sense that organic food is healthier than conventionally grown food. But a review of the scie...more
Organic Food and Health: The Evidence
Shane Heaton, a clinical nutritionist, has spent two years reviewing over 400 scientific papers and gathering scientific evidence that supports the view that organic food is better...more
Organic Food: Nutritional Value and Safety
The article explains the harmful effects of artificial fertilizers, which leach into and contaminate our water sources, and pesticides, some of which (e.g. lindane) have been found...more
Organic Production of Essential Oils in the UK
Agriculture, our most important global industry, provides the world's population with food from plants and animals. Farmers grow plants and animals to harvest as foodstuffs and are...more
Six cases of organophosphate (OP) poisoning have come my way since August. During the very hot spell many people were spraying their pets and furniture against fleas. Most of them ...more
Orthodontic Tips to Keep Your Teeth Healthy
Orthodontic problems can have a negative effect on your oral health if left alone which makes it all the more important for you to identify the early symptoms of orthodontic problem...more
Orthodontics And Health - A Scary State of Affairs
Regular readers of this website and thousands of former and present patients are aware of the intimate relationship of cranio dental and skeletal symmetry to health. Any asymmetry e...more
Osteoarthritis - a happy result!
I was going to write about Irritable Bowel Syndrome this time. However, that will now have to wait. Instead, I feel that I must share my delight with you regarding a case which I f...more
Osteopathic Approach to the Treatment of Facial-Maxillary Sinus Headache
Anterior facial pain/headache caused by swollen sinuses usually results from infection both bacterial / viral or an allergic reaction, resulting in blockage to the drainage channels...more
Osteopathic Approach to the Treatment of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
The author discusses osteopathic approaches to the treatment of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, the most common cause being compression of the brachial plexus/subclavian artery.more
Osteopathy - It's Only a Model
For this column I am going to wax philosophical. Before training as an Osteopath I completed a series of courses as part of my Open University degree in sciences and psychology.more
Osteopathy and Voice: A Symbiosis
Osteopathic treatment is a method of working with and changing patterns in the body which have both a physical and a psychological origin. Voice work completes the framework within...more
Osteopathy, Movement and Water: Perfect Union for the Well-being of the Cervical Region
The cervical part of the vertebral column is like a pillar that supports our head. The seven vertebrae, the muscles of the cervical region and the joints they serve make up the Sto...more
“But nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause be. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance...more
Ouch! I Think I’ve Slipped a Disc...
A herniated or ‘slipped’ disc is amongst the most debilitating of back pain problems - sometimes with added symptoms such as the grinding leg pain of sciatica. There are many levels...more
Our Approach to Healing Sick Houses
This article describes how Roy and Ann Procter, both spiritual healers, discovered the concept of health affected by subtle environment twenty years ago and developed dowsing skill...more
This article points up the difference between old and new methods of psychiatric drug research. Most important is the way new methods emphasize the importance of placebos, followin...more
Our Innate Ability to Heal Ourselves
To many people, illness is something that comes from 'out there', brought about by external factors – environment (pollution, pesticides, germs, etc.), lifestyle (smoking, diet, al...more
The author suggests that we all sit quietly for a moment with our eyes shut. Imagine a flame inside us and decide on its shape, size, colour and intensity. Is it burning happily, v...more
Transpersonal Psychotherapist Vivienne Silver-Leigh looks at the different models of the self, stressing the importance of maintaining contact with our higher nature through some f...more
In the Western world it is nigh on impossible to avoid dairy. It appears to be the basic ingredient in most beverages and food products from the obvious breakfast lattes to lunchtim...more
It strikes me that humanity is the first part in the entire creation of living organisms that live life in perpetual fear. All other plants and animals lead a basic life of acceptin...more
Our Role in Personal Transformation and Healing
It is important to realize that when we learn to heal ourselves, we are not limited merely to changing our own realities; the world reality is also ours to change.more
Our Second Brain and Digestive Intelligence
Remarkable as it may sound to you - our digestive system has a very sophisticated design, complexity and intelligence! It acts independently and so specifically in every single pers...more
I've always been fascinated by what humans can accomplish and intrigued by what we term miracles. I remember, as a teenager, wondering how one could possibly compose such wonderful ...more
Our Toxic Environment and How We Can Protect Ourselves
Joanne Baker writes first about the balance between man and the natural world - how ancient medicine and even western practice until the Industrial Revolution equated our health wi...more
Out of the Darkness and Into the Light of Su Jok Therapy
In this article the author shares why she got into Su Jok Therapy and how it helped her cope with the emotions that engulfed her following the breakdown of her marriage. She says w...more
Two arms. Two hands. An armful of pathologies: tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), the so-called repetitive strain injury, writer's cramp (should be called typist's cramp, really...more
Ovarian Cancer - Death by Side Effects of Treatments
This is an account of the author's wife's treatment for recurring ovarian cancer. He concludes that his wife's cancer treatment varied tremendously depending on which hospital she ...more
Overcome the Fear of Flying - MiamiHelicopter.com
What are the root causes of the fear of flying that presents itself in some people but not others. In this section we consider whether it is a phobia or a rational fear. Then we tak...more
Overcoming Anxiety, Building Confidence in Public Speaking
Public speaking used to be the province of a few, but now we can expect to find ourselves in situations of having to speak to an audience: even job interviews now often require u...more
Overcoming Disillusionment with Life: A Guide to Finding Meaning and Purpose
Are you feeling disillusioned with life? Do you find yourself questioning the purpose of it all? You are not alone. Many people experience a sense of disillusionment at some point i...more
Clinical hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner Leonie Remington describes exactly what is a phobia, highlighting four characteristics of phobia that differentiate it from normal fear...more
Overseas Recruitment Continues to Deliver Life Support to UK Healthcare
Despite years of anti-immigration policy and rhetoric from the government, foreign workers continue to play a critical and highly-valued role in the provision of UK healthcare servi...more
Oxidative Stress and Thyroid Secretions – A Review
This article looks into the causes and consequences of oxidative stress, which arises when highly reactive free radicals produce oxidative damage to the macromolecular structures o...more
Whilst Oxygen therapy is an umbrella term for over 50 different methods that all seek to de-toxify the body by flooding it with oxygen, Ozone therapy is the most researched and wid...more
P.C., Gender, Interprofessional Discord and Integration
In the Integrated Medicine column this month Leon Chaitow looks at several issues in alternative medicine where discord, confusion and imbalance exist within alternative medicine a...more
Pacific Essences - Gifts from the Sea
The greens and golds and persimmon of the Arbutus trees and the blue of the Pacific Ocean called us to this island in 1981. This jewel in the Pacific is the home and birthplace of ...more
We regard the development of scientific means for alleviating pain, and the development of more and more humane cultural practices as the marks of advanced civilization.more
Pain - Relationship Between Body and Psyche
Sue Green looks into many aspects of pain and the different ways in which it can be viewed. Pain can be a signal that something is out of balance, for example pain can be a sign ...more
Although pain and inflammation are important life processes – pain warns that something is wrong, and inflammation is a protective mechanism that allows healing to take place – in ...more
Addiction to painkillers (analgesics) is a major problem that affects up to one million people in the UK,[1] and many more in other countries, including in Europe[2-4] and the USA.[...more
The author explains that unless something is shaped properly for performing its function, problems are definitely going to arise, giving the example of trying to ride a bicycle with...more
We are still being poisoned by lead paint. Children's intellectual development is being impaired by lead poisoning from paint. The increase in the incidence of tuberculosis has in ...more
Panchakarma - Ayurvedic Science of Rejuvenation and Detoxification
Pancha (five) Karma (action) is an Ayurvedic therapy that aims to cleanse the body of toxins and reduce or eliminate the build up of excess doshas in the body. It is based on the b...more
Panchakarma and Ayurvedic Massage
Ayurveda offers a variety of healing therapies that nurture, balance and heal the mind and body. Ayurveda's most powerful method of rejuvenation and purification for the mind and b...more
Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancers. It has high mortality rates and limited treatment options. Only about 10% of people live five years or longer when diagnosed. Foll...more
Pandemic Rehabilitation of Spine Surgery
In these pandemic times, one assumes that patients are prone to staying still and to staying isolated. Not so! My observation is that something happens, and there is a significant b...more
Parenting through peer support
The Child Development Program, developed in the late 1970s was initially based on specially trained health visitors. This program was planned to help and empower parents not to i...more
Paresh Rink, a bodywork details the training in the UK and USA to become a fully fledged bodyworker.more
Park Attwood Clinic - An individual approach to health care
In Britain there is one well established residential clinic where people who are chronically ill may receive treatment of body, soul and spirit. It is unique, and deserves to be ...more
There are about 120,000 people in the UK with Parkinson's Disease, a progressive disorder of the central nervous system affecting muscular movement. This article by June Butlin mak...more
Is Aromatherapy an effective treatment for Parkinson's Disease - Report and Summary of Results. The idea to carry out a trial on people suffering from Parkinson's Disease originate...more
Parkinsons Disease and Cervical Dystonia
I had a very Interesting Case Today The patient is a 51 year old lady who presented with a diagnosis of ‘Parkinson's disease’ and ‘Cervical Dystonia’. She was very nervous with a h...more
Yoga practice is extremely versatile; it can be practised in solitude or in the more social atmosphere of a class situation and can be modified to suit age, ability and need.more
Partnership in Pregnancy and Childbirth - A Specific Massage Programme
The author explains the aims and benefits of this programme on complementary therapy technique LK Massage Programme within the maternity setting, adding that it allows the partner...more
Past Lives - Beyond an Experience and into Healing
Thousands of ordinary people have provided reports of near death experiences, of leaving their body and entering a tunnel. Often they come back with memories of obscure details of t...more
Past, Present and Future Dangers From Self Delusions
This article expresses most strongly the importance of being true to oneself, and the dangers for both self and society of trusting the intellectual processes of the brain, and all...more
In his column this month Sheldon Litt addresses the question of the path each of us takes through life. In writing the on going story of our life each of us is his own script write...more
Patient Expectations and Belief - Placebo or a Treatment Bonus
A claim regularly put forward by detractors of complementary medicine is that one of the reasons that patients benefit from complementary healthcare treatments is the time the pract...more
Patients can do Much to Manage their Autoimmunity through Diet and Lifestyle Strategies
Autoimmune conditions represent a significant public health concern, affecting a substantial number of individuals globally. According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases A...more
Peace and Harmony in Holistic Medicine?
Peace and Harmony in Holistic Medicine? You would think so but the truth is there exists a tendency, currently awesomely evident, for displays of mutual animosity, antagonism and...more